About me

Chemical engineer and hobby programmer.

Professional Link to heading

Since 2023 I work as a battery specialist consultant att Etteplan in Sweden. At the current position I deal with data analysis of battery related data, and design and carry out different type of tests to characterise battery cells or battery packs.

I have a PhD in electrochemistry from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. I successfully defended my thesis in December 2022. My research was, mostly, about lowering the cost of fuel cells for automotive applications. One way to do that is to change the chemical environment in the fuel cell from an acidic (proton conducting) environment to an alkaline (hydroxide conducting) environment. In this environment alternative catalysts and material can, and should, be used and we are therefore exploring how different types of catalysts and membranes behave in this fuel cell environment.

Online presence Link to heading

You can find me at these various places:

On github I am part of the termux team, mostly reviewing pull requests, porting software and maintaining the various repositories. This site hosts mirrors of the official repositories, visit termux to browse these. There might also be some unofficial LineageOS roms for some devices under lineage.

Lately I have been spending time with the postmarketOS project, improving or adding support for the various devices I own.

Most of my personal projects are hosted at gitlab.

GPG key Link to heading

My gpg fingerprint is:

2C7F 29AE 9789 1F64 19A9  E2CD B007 6E49 0B71 616B

You can find my public key here.

If you want to contact me for whatever reason you can send an email to henrik@grimler.se, feel free to sign and/or encrypt the message if you have a gpg key.