On the 16th of December 2022 at 2:00pm UTC+1 I will defend my PhD thesis titled “Limiting processes in anion-exchange membrane fuel cells”. The work has been done at the division of Applied Electrochemistry at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The entry in diva for the thesis can be found here, and the thesis can be downloaded here.
The end goal of the project is to make hydrogen fuel cells cheaper. These days battery electric cars like teslas is a pretty hot topic, but for heavier vehicles (like trucks and air planes) and some other applications, it would theoretically be advantageous to use a hybrid system with hydrogen fuel cells and batteries as the overall weight and volume of the propulsion system, as well as refueling(/charging) time, can then be decreased. My work, as a small contribution to the bigger puzzle, has investigated remaining issues with one promising type of hydrogen fuel cell (“anion-exchange membrane fuel cell”).
The defence will be public, so anyone is free to attend either physically in room D2, Lindstedtvägen 5 at KTH campus Valhallavägen. You can also follow the defence over zoom, register here to get a zoom link.